Plus Query


İade gönderilerini listeleyen, gönderi hareketlerini irsaliye numarasına göre getiren, gönderi bilgilerini tarih veya barkoda göre getiren, gönderi teslimat problemlerini listeleyen üründür. | This is the product that checks return order, tracks shipment by bill of landing id, get shipment informations by date or barcode, lists shipment delivery problems.

Interfejsy API

    • İade gönderilerini listeleyen, gönderi hareketlerini irsaliye numarasına göre getiren, gönderi bilgilerini tarih veya barkoda göre getiren, gönderi teslimat problemlerini listeleyen API'dır. | This is the API that checks return order, tracks shipment by bill of landing id, get shipment informations by date or barcode, lists shipment delivery problems.

      Z połączeniem


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Default Plan

Wywołania (9000000) na dzień


Default Plan

  • Plus Query API 1.0